The Himalayan Adventure Bureau (HIMAB), which earlier was known as the Garhwal Himalaya Adventure Bureau (GAHAB), is a tour operating and travel company run and operated by professionals, nature lovers and explorers. HIMAB combines broader tour and travel components to create tour packages.
HIMAB is committed to match your tourism ambitions and make a paradigm shift in the tourism concept.
HIMAB will focus on Adventure and Nature Tourism and be responsible for operating it and providing all the facilities during your tour — transportation, meals, guides, hotels, optional tours, flights, shopping, etc.
HIMAB brochure is good enough to tell you more about its products, travel and holiday packages and other itineraries.
HIMAB provides all travel and tourism related services to the travellers – hotels, railways, roadways, travel insurance, package tours, etc.
HIMAB makes travel arrangements for business travellers.
HIMAB specialises in the customised packages.
HIMAB specialises in the Village Tourism.
HIMAB prefers to deal with you directly as this will save your money.
Glenn Mcdaniel
Tourist Form Spain